We are happy to provide you with an estimate of cost for your requirements.To generate an online estimate please enter your details below. Each job is treated separately as each product is custom built specifically for it’s new owner.
We need to know what you want, where you live and how soon you need delivery. We will respond by email and follow up by phone.
Please note that the details you give and the subsequent estimate cannot give you a final fixed figure as there are many variables to be considered for a detailed quote.
However it will give you a feel for the cost involved.
One of our representatives will contact you to discuss your requirements further.
When you click on some of the items to the left the following options may change to suit your selection.
Please enter your measurements in metres.
Use any dimensions as suitable to your requirement.

Real Steel – Real Security
To realise Architects and Designers visions through providing innovative and high quality building products installation.

Our Vision
To be industry leaders in quality, innovation and service; from estimating to delivery.

Our Value
Honest leadership shown by all to create an inspirational and dynamic culture.

Australian made
and owned
Keeping locally sourced and made products doing our part to lower the carbon footprint.
Contact us to talk about your project.
We’re here to listen and give you advice. Phone 03 9874 0770 or
03 9874 0770
3 Monomeeth Drive, Mitcham, 3132